A study released by a National Safety Council last month has indicated that the use of seat belts varies significantly from one state to the next. While the amount of drivers that fail to buckle up is still one of the main causes of motor accidents across America.
In the year 1999, around 9,500 individuals lost their lives unnecessarily due to not wearing a seat belt. As an increase in American drivers continues to hit the roadways, along with an elevation in highway congestion over the summer season which is always busier, AutoTrader offers a reminder to consumers that they should drive carefully, always use a signage when necessary and stick to these useful tips to lower the likelihood of accidents.
Pull slowly into traffic. Stop, Listen, and Look. Make sure that you remain aware of your blind spots, which includes behind highway road signage, pillars, and in your rear-view mirrors. When you are about to make a right-hand turn at an intersection, look in either direction two to three times before you proceed. Cars can appear very quickly, so make sure you are always careful when you pull into busy intersections.
Keep an eye out for people that run red lights. Count to 3 before you enter an intersection when the light is green. Look in either direction and ensure that there are no drivers attempting to speed through when the light has turned yellow. Be very careful when you pass semis. The truck drivers usually have a blind spot that is large on the right-hand side, so you need to pay special attention when you drive next to 18-wheelers. If you are unable to see the side mirrors on the truck, this also means that the truck driver is unable to see you.
Make sure that you always have one of your hands constantly on your steering wheel. You should also try to eliminate or lower distractions inside your car like eating, talking on your cell-phone, changing a CD or the radio station, or even taking your hands off your steering wheel momentarily. A pothole or a blow out could quickly send your car into the next lane, which can result in serious accidents.
Keep a lookout for children. Animals and children are known for suddenly running into a road from behind a parked car. If you drive through residential neighborhoods and you see children around, slow down and watch carefully.
Regularly conduct engine maintenance. To prevent a sudden and unexpected stall or any other types of vehicle failure, make sure your tires are inflated properly and that you change your oil regularly.
Scan 12 seconds ahead. Keep your focus on the road in front of you for at least 10-12 seconds. When you drive on a highway, keep a safe distance between other cars so that is someone had to suddenly swerve or stop, you will still be able to avoid a collision.
Look behind you when you are reversing out. The accidents that occur in parking areas are very common, so always keep a lookout for any cars that are leaving a parking space at the same time as you. Avoid just using your mirrors, you need to physically look behind you over your shoulder to compensate for the blind spots that mirrors often create.
Avoid tailgating. There should be at least a 3-second gap between your car and the person in front of you. You should also leave home or the office early enough to avoid having to speed to make it to the office or your destination on time. It may appear tempting at the time, but tailgating is one of the leading causes of many accidents.
Show courtesy to the other drivers on the road. Treat other drivers with respect. You should also report bad or suspicious driving to your local authority.