I can still hear his voice echoing in the distance, “it’s all in your head ify, you can do it”
i thought he was a joker and completely oblivious of the chaos that was going on in my body. How can my inability to walk be attributed to my mind,
“dude I can’t move a muscle”!
On another occasion he told me “you are alive because you had the will to win”
Time has passed and i think i understand a lot better how powerful the mind is in determining the trajectory of our lives.
The way you see yourself on the inside largely determines your performance on the outside. if you want to change anything in your life, you have to start by making adjustments to the mental picture of yourself.
The question is “how do you see yourself”?
As someone who has experienced physical limitation and lived with it for so many years, i can convieniently say, reality is a trickster because every time i found the mental strength to break new grounds and try new things, i did.
Reality can be limiting when you focus only on what you can see and feel.
Your mental picture of yourself affects how you behave, how you interact, and how you express yourself.
visualize yourself as you want to be. you have an unlimited ability to learn and develop new skills, habits and abilities, when you train yourself through repetition and practice, to overcome procrastination and get your life on track you will.
limitations live only in our minds we set boundaries for ourselves and assume that they truly exist.
There is no limit to how fast you can advance except for the limits you place on your own imagination, there is no limit to how much you can achieve except for the limits you place on your self.
Again!!! reality can be limiting when you focus only on what you can see and feel. 
I created an imaginary limitation in my mind which i gradually began to assume truly exits, Unfortunately habits form quickly.
Be weary of the thought patterns and routine you permit.
Limitations are most of the time an illusion, and are only real inside the confines of our own minds. 
If we all choose to focus on the limitations created by the environment we find ourselves in, the limitations that come as a result of health or financial situation or even the opinions of other people, we would all be stuck in our comfort zones and no one would ever reach their full potential.
whatever happens to you this week and no matter what roadblocks you face and no matter how insurmountable it seems, remember that
limitations live only in our minds, but if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become endless. Jamie paolinetti
I can’t imagine how it feels to be physically limited, but I love that you promote the message that it’s mind over matter. Our mind is so strong and can enable us to accomplish so many things.
Christiana Acha
Very true! The mind is so powerful, so we need to learn how to master it.
I so agree with you dear, we can reach the sky if we believe in ourselves. Very nice read
Christiana Acha
yes we can reach unimaginable heights if we believe. Thank you so much ?
This was a great motivation post to read! Thanks for sharing these positive vibes.
Christiana Acha
glad you found it helpful.
Melanie Hamilton
This is jsut the jolt of motivation I needed – thanks girl 🙂
Christiana Acha
I’m glad it helped. 🙂
Amazing positive vibes from reading your post. Thanks for sharing these thoughts which motivates everyone. Love it
Renata Feyen
people stay in a certain comfort zone, but when the mind is strong, we can overcome those boundaries 🙂
Ruchi Verma
I agree to you that our mental health reflects us !!
Manisha Garg
Oh yes limitation is more in our minds than reality.
Beautiful reminder! Self talk is so powerful xxx
Ms Karen Smedley
You are right, our minds are our only limitations. We can do anything if we set our minds to it. Thank you for sharing.
I really needed this reminder as I too tend to focus on the physical – limited to only what I can see and feel. The mind is an amazing thing but it can also be our biggest downfall especially by limiting ourselves!
Agree indeed! Mindset is everything but it takes a lot of practice and it’s a never done job. It’s continuous work.
very inspirational….our mind is a very powerful tool for having a right decision
Kathy Kenny Ngo
Its true. We are the ones who limit ourselves so we need to believe first so that things can happen.
This was quite uplifting! Thank you. The mind is incredibly powerful and we ought to honor it.
It’s amazing what have a positive attitude and the right mindset can do for you. But when you’re a naturally pessimistic person (kind of like myself) getting into that positive mindset can be really difficult.
It is all in your mind. How do you know you can’t do it unless you try? I will always try at least once. After that I know what I have to work on in order to be able to do it and I will try again.
Oscar Oganiza
Sky’s the limit my friend. You’re the only limitation you must conquer.