I love bags! Give me a bag as a gift and you have bought me over! Everyone loves bags but I love them specially, I literally can’t do without them, from totes to clutch bags, bring them on, I just can’t have enough. No look is ever complete without a bag, whether it’s a cross body bag or a backpack, a bag can go a long way in taking your style from simple to sophisticated.
Whenever the opportunity to buy a new bag comes my way, I always end up opting for a leather bag, they are my favorite, for a countless number of reasons!
My favorite place to shop for 100% leather bags is from High On Leather, They have a wide range of options that you can choose from whether it is a vintage leather bag you want or one that is eco-friendly, they’ve got you covered. What’s even more amazing … these bags are super trendy, durable and perfectly fine for any occasion. High On Leather is a brand that is committed to creating high-quality 100% leather bags, that would suit your style perfectly.
Here are some of my favorite things about leather bags. 
It’s durable: looking for a bag that can stand the test of time? Leather bags are your best bet, the durability of a leather bag is next to none. They last long, no matter how often you use them. Leather bags are water-resistant, heat resistant and can survive even the harshest weather conditions. That’s why they are perfect for every season.
It’s spacious: let’s not even get started on how much stuff my leather bags can take. If you’re like me and you love to carry half of your belongings as you trot around town, leather bags are the safest choice. They have lots of compartments that can take anything, from your make-up kit to books … everything can fit in.
It’s timeless: leather has been used by humans for centuries. pretty much every culture makes use of leather in the production of bags, shoes, wristwatches and a large number of other accessories. Leather is a great material that is never out of fashion because of how invaluable it is. I bet you, there’s no point in time when leather will be out of fashion.
It’s eco-friendly: for the Love of nature, choose leather bags! Whatever it takes to make the world a better place right? Let’s take fashion to a place where it no longer pollutes our rivers and contaminates our cities. Most of the fashion products we use are made from synthetic materials which have a lot of chemicals and these have adverse negative effect on our world. Leather bags are naturally made, without chemicals so they are good for the environment and help to keep it safe. Not only is leather natural, it is also bio-degradable.
It’s cost-effective: shopping on a budget? No worries! As unlikely as this may sound, Most leather bags are budget friendly as well. It is safe to say that leather bags are affordable this is because when you buy one leather bag, it could last you a lifetime, that’s good value for money, isn’t it? no matter how much it costs, it’s serves it’s purpose. It is truly not expensive, because it lasts long. Some of them go on serving for as long as 10 years. So, Even if you spend as much as $200 on a leather bag, it’s totally worth it, you would be using it for the long haul, in season and out of season. You can be rest assured that it would serve you for years, if that isn’t cost-effective I don’t know what is! You can shop for your own leather bag by clicking here