• Self-development

    50 Deep Quotes About Life And Work That Would Inspire You!

    In a world like ours with infinite possibilities, your chances of success are more than you think. With a little bit of inspiration and Self-discipline, you could very well be on your way to la-la land! We have curated some deep sayings and wisdom nuggets from some very successful and notable Personalities. I hope this inspires you to rise above mediocrity and failure.   50 Deep Quotes About Life And Work   1. “Success comes to those who become success conscious.” Napoleon Hill   2.“Our minds become magnetized with the dominating thoughts we hold in our minds and these magnets attract to us the forces, the people, the circumstances of…

  • Self-development

    7 Habits That Are Sabotaging Your Life!

    Your life is a reflection of the decisions, habits and lifestyle choices you make everyday. No matter what you do, the quality of your life will never exceed the quality of your thoughts and habits. A lot of people make terrible lifestyle choices and when the attendant consequences of their decisions accrue, they blame it on bad luck or some spirit being. The truth is, if You pay no attention to what you put in your mouth, there are likely to be adverse consequences on your body, likewise if you don’t give time to acquiring knowledge you’ll be mentally bankrupt! Life is a summation of your habits and your decisions.…

  • Self-development

    How to stay motivated to do your fitness routine

    Have you ever started a fitness routine but found it difficult to see it to finish? It is normal if you are seeking easy strategies on how to stay motivated to do your fitness routine.   Consistently following your fitness routine goes beyond the desire to stay fit, burn fat or maintain a nice body. Sometimes, you just feel bored carrying on your workout every day.    A lot of times, there is just no motivation to exercise. You wish to continue your fitness but nothing is exciting about it anymore. What should you do when you feel unmotivated to exercise? Here are easy tips on how to stay motivated…

  • Self-development

    How I turned my triggers into treasures!

    People often wonder how I lived through the days when I was a quadriplegic, without caving into the dark lands of depression! I’m not going to sit here and tell you it was easy and that I survived because I had it all figured out, neither am I here to dole out some step by step guide on how to deal with difficult situations like that, because, it was simply grace that kept me. However, I just want to share my story with you and hope that you draw some comfort and encouragement from it.     Let’s face it, Bad things happen to everyone, it doesn’t matter if you…

  • Self-development

    Limitation Lives Only In Our Minds

    I can still hear his voice echoing in the distance, “it’s all in your head ify, you can do it”   i thought he was a joker and completely oblivious of the chaos that was going on in my body. How can my inability to walk be attributed to my mind,   “dude I can’t move a muscle”! On another occasion he told me “you are alive because you had the will to win”   Time has passed and i think i understand a lot better how powerful the mind is in determining the trajectory of our lives.   The way you see yourself on the inside largely determines your…

  • Self-development

    Three Ways to Self-Reflect and Improve Personal Growth

    One of the hardest things but most beneficial things a person can do is to engage in periods of self-reflection. No one is perfect, but being able to identify your own flaws and actively work to improve them is essential to your personal growth. The best way you can do this is to engage in self-reflection, though that is often easier said than done because it’s typically far easier to identify flaws in other people than in yourself, making it difficult to know where to start.  People who are more self-aware are more likely to have better decision making skills, improved patience and a greater sense of accountability, translating into…