Regular physical activity is one of the most important habits we could ever gain. Physical activity does not only make us fit, it also improves our overall health, helps us relieve stress while having fun, at the same time. During this yuletide season, we can opt for some outdoor physical activities to help us stay in shape. So if you are a bit of a lazy lady, first off you need to get some exercise to help make your workouts seamless. I love to use the best shapewear for women, this fitness wear will make you feel more enthusiastic about your exercise whether it has been performed outside, in…
Book Review: I Married a Dick Doctor, Who Fixes Women Too by Madeline Zech Ruiz
A lighthearted approach to the serious matter of urological health. Everything you wanted to know about human plumbing but were afraid to ask! This is a great book for anyone interested in knowing the basics of how everything “down there” works and that there are medical answers to most urological problems. As author Madeline Zech Ruiz says, “If you own a vagina or a penis, you need to read this book!” In her amusing urology handbook, Ruiz argues that it’s well past time for society to get over its discomfort regarding our plumbing system. She not only provides critical information about that system but she also encourages readers to…
What Are The Benefits Of Dental Implants
When it comes to our smiles, many of us are conscious of how we look, and when you have a missing tooth, you only have three options that are available to you: You can leave it and not do anything, but this may lead to further problems with your jaw and teeth, so it is not recommended. You can opt for dentures, which is typical for many people and is a viable option. And best of all, you can choose dental implants, which have many benefits and are the robust and durable option that can help keep your winning smile. If you have a missing tooth,…
10 Proven Habits to Sleep Better at Night
Do you often have trouble getting to sleep? Maybe you frequently wake during the night and don’t feel rested in the morning. Stress and changing routines can make it difficult to get quality rest. However, there are many ways you can work toward improving this situation. Here are ten habits that can result in better sleep. 1. Keep a Consistent Schedule Your body’s internal clock responds best when you have a consistent bedtime and wake time. It takes discipline to stick to a schedule, especially on the weekends. However, you’re sure to find it helps you get to sleep and feel more rested. 2. Implant a Bedtime…
How have you been keeping fit in 2020?
The year 2020 has been quite an eventful year, if we were to do a rundown of some of the uncanny events that have occurred we would run out of time. It’s been one hell of a roller coaster. As the year gradually winds down, we can only pray and hope that it ends on a peaceful and blissful note, with no dramas and no more unpleasant surprises. So back to my question, how have you been keeping fit, with all that has happened especially with the incessant spread of the coronavirus and the lockdown, keeping fit has been one of the hardest things to do. Isn’t Fitness the…
How to prevent hearing loss in your children
Guide created by e3 Diagnostics
A parent’s checklist for children’s oral health
Oral Health Checklist created by Natomas Crossing Dental Care