• Fashion/lifestyle

    4 Types Of Dresses Every Lady should Have

    Dresses are super comfy! They always come in handy and are perfect for every occasion. Ladies love to wear dresses because it can be styled in a variety of ways. Whether it’s a wedding, birthday party or a social event, a dress is a great option for any of these occasions, It’s easy to style and different looks can be created. A dress works perfectly, when it comes to Accessorizing, and creating different looks. If it’s a simple look you are looking to create or if you are looking for something more classy and chic, with a few Accessories you can achieve that look. One of my favorite places to…

  • Fashion/lifestyle

    How to Pack Your Shoes When Moving

    As professional specialists say -no matter how many pairs of shoes you have, all should be packed very safe and secure. Interested in how to pack your shoes when moving? This guide provides thorough information on anything you need to know about packing shoes – from the process of wrapping them with paper to details on how they should be placed inside your bags without damaging or scuffing them. How to Pack Boots in a Suitcase Clean your boots carefully before packing Make sure your shoes are clean before packing them. They will be mixed with your clothes and no matter how well you’ve packed them, there is still a…

  • Fashion/lifestyle

    The 7 Most Expensive Celeb Engagement Rings of All Time

    There have been some amazing diamond ring creations that were commissioned by men to present to celebrities, with huge diamonds set in stunning arrangements, with no expense spared. If you are interested to see who gave what to who, here is our list of the all-time best engagement rings that have been given to the famous. Clocking in as the most expensive diamond engagement ring ever, the huge 35-carat stone ring was presented to singer Mariah Carey by her then fiancée James Packer, who reportedly paid a staggering $10m for the ring. Mariah wore the ring, even after the couple split and it is believed she sold it to a…

  • Fashion/lifestyle

    3 Wardrobe Essentials I’m Loving Right Now!

    One of the most fascinating things about time, is how fast it flies past! Feels like yesterday, the sky was lit with fireworks from the New Year celebrations. Fast forward to today and we are literally closing the curtains on January! As the days go by, and while I’m trying to sort out myself to ensure that my new year goals are being achieved! I’m also being cautious not to let my fashion and lifestyle needs suffer! Thankfully, I was gifted some amazing dresses and wardrobe essentials from Dresslily’s  Women’s Fashion and I’m so loving them right now. Dresslily is your best bet when it comes to shopping for your…

  • Fashion/lifestyle

    5 unique and stylish lounge wear sets on my Christmas wish list!

    Like we already know, Christmas is  the most wonderful time of the year. The excitement in the air is so thick you can literally cut through it with a knife. The yuletide season gives us so much opportunity to give and receive love, Share gifts and spend quality time with friends and family. One more thing I love about Christmas is the fact that there’s so much food to eat, whatever cravings you may have had all through the year, you probably would get the chance to fulfil it at Christmas. As much as I love to eat whatever I crave, I also recognize the importance of staying fit and…

  • Fashion/lifestyle

    Up Your Shoe Style in 2020 with These Top Trends

    As the end of the year draws near, so too does another year of fashion, trends, and styles. While January doesn’t necessarily spark a whole new look and style, for many people, it’s a great opportunity to take stock of the items they have and look for ways to update their wardrobe. One of the greatest ways to remain looking fashionable is to incorporate the current trends into your existing wardrobe and constantly inject that sense of style in it. So what’s new for 2020? Well, there is no doubt there will be plenty of new styles that emerge, but here we’ll focus on footwear. So, let’s dive into the…

  • Fashion/lifestyle

    5 simple ways to Care for your hair this Christmas season!

    Christmas is coming, and so is winter! Following a good hair care routine during this season, is a must for every woman! The gorgeous locks on our heads must be properly taken care of, if we are going to really experience true happiness and comfort. Every woman loves to look beautiful and gorgeous and this is why so many women have developed a beauty routine that they follow to keep them looking young, and fresh. Hair care during winter is a lot harder than any other season, because the extreme weather conditions takes a toll on our hair and if proper care is not taken, it could cause lots of…