
10 Tips On How To Prevent Success Burnout As A Young Professional

You’re successful. Congratulations! After years of hard work and planning, you’ve finally achieved that promotion you dreamed about for so long. You now have a new title and an important seat at the executive meeting room table.


The future seems bright as you look forward to the opportunity to make your mark on your organization or company. But after some time has passed, you start feeling as if something is missing. Your old friends from college invite you out for drinks after work, but these events no longer excite you like they used to.


Your life feels bland and unsatisfying—and it didn’t used to be this way! What happened?


You’ve just suffered from success burnout. But you can fight off this feeling and get your old life back. 


Here’s How:


Do Not Worry About Things Out Of Your Control

A common mental ailment that affects many people is worrying about the future. However, the future is never promised to anyone – no one knows what will happen in even just one hour from now! Focusing on something you have no control over only serves to stress you out and lower your quality of life. Try to focus on all of the good things in your life right here, right now instead.

Take care of yourself

Many people do not take proper care of their bodies. Eating poorly, for example, has been shown to cause all sorts of mental ailments like anxiety and depression (and by this point, people should know that all physical ailments have mental causes, too, like heart disease). So make sure to eat properly – don’t skip meals if possible!

Exercise regularly (but not excessively) and get plenty of sleep! It would also be a good idea to partake in activities that make you happy, whether it is painting, opting for a therapeutic massage — you can look for “Spa near me in in Lakewood, CO” or a similar phrase on the Web to find a facility — or going for a long walk. Remember, taking good care of yourself will make it much easier to deal with any mental problems you might have.

Many people do not take proper care of their bodies. Eating poorly, for example, has been shown to cause all sorts of mental ailments like anxiety and depression (and by this point, people should know that all physical ailments have mental causes, too, like heart disease). So make sure to eat properly – don’t skip meals if possible! 


Exercise regularly (but not excessively) and get plenty of sleep! Knowing that you are taking good care of yourself will make it much easier to deal with any mental problems you might have.


Let Go Of The Past

If there is something that happened in your past that is still haunting you, try to figure out why it would do so – what about it haunts you? What can you learn from this experience? Once you have figured out what lessons to take away, let the rest of it go! Dwelling on the past will not make your problems disappear; focusing on them will only make them worse.


Take Care Of Your Home

Your living space reflects how much care and effort you put into making yourself feel at home (hence ‘home’ = ‘you’). On top of looking nice aesthetically, everything should be organized neatly. Keeping things clean prevents bacteria growth which could lead to infections or worse.


Be Grateful For What You Have

Just like worrying about the future is unproductive, so too is focusing on what you don’t have. So if you’re reading this article right now, be grateful that you can read it! There are many people who work just as hard as anyone else does to try and feed their families but cannot succeed due to factors outside of their control. 


Try thinking of 3 things that you are grateful for each day, no matter how small they might seem – this will not only make you feel better, it will keep your mind focused on positivity and prevent depression and anxiety from setting in.


Find A Healthy Outlet Before Your Emotions Eat Away At Your Sanity

Sometimes problems become too much for people to deal with, and releasing their pent-up emotions through unhealthy habits like drinking or smoking becomes tempting. Instead, let your emotions out – just do so in a healthy way! Find someone you trust at drug rehab, for example, to open up to about your problems. Chances are there’s at least one other person who will understand exactly what you’re going through.


Spend Time With People Who Make You Truly Happy

If something specific makes you feel worse about yourself (e.g., if someone says something racist/sexist/homophobic), avoid spending more time around them in the future. You don’t have to put in considerable effort to maintain friendships with people who drag you down – these relationships are toxic and consuming, not healthy.


Limit Your Use Of Social Media

Social media can be a useful tool, but it also brings out the worst in people (cyberbullying). It’s often hard to distinguish between meaningful exchanges and attention-seeking behavior on social media, so do not make the mistake of comparing yourself with others and remember that lots of people will put up what they think is their ‘ideal’ self online.


Remain Calm During Stressful Times

Everyone has experienced it before: when you’re in the middle of an argument, your mind literally goes blank. Try to stay calm, even when things around you are slipping out of control – by staying calm, you can prevent a lot of damage from being done. Remember that any problems that arise will eventually pass after a while!


Enjoy Life!

Just because you have things going on right now doesn’t mean your life has to be miserable 24/7. Some people deal with mental health problems by immersing themselves in work or school so much so that they forget how to relax and play – this might help people temporarily get rid of whatever is bothering them. 


Still, it’s not a healthy long-term solution. Instead, make sure to do something you enjoy every day. Humans were not built to sit in one place all day; they require human interaction and physical activity to stay healthy! Try mixing things up by walking, cycling, or dancing (whatever suits your personal taste).


Hy I'm iffy!! A chronic worshiper with a DIY spirit! After a near death experience I started my journey to living a more purposeful life.


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